
Configuration options

The following parameters can be added to the theme section of your mkdocs.yaml file to control how your specific site deviates from Landing's default look and feel, to give it your own identity. Click here for a general guide on using mkdocs and the mkdocs.yaml configuration file.


The below parameters are for configuring the layout and appearance of the header, which appears at the top of the main homepage of your site.


The header is laid out in a grid with three columns; the outer columns are each the width of your avatar (defined in avatar_size), the middle column is the remaining space. Within the header are several different "elements" - this parameter defines which elements are included and in what order they are laid out. The elements available are:

You can also include a blank list item to put an empty div tag if you need to fill a column. Once an element spans past the final column, it is moved to the row below in order to fit. The image below shows how the header on this site is laid out, with the grid visible thanks to Google Chrome's "inspect" tool:

Landing's homepage header with grid visible

So the first row has the avatar (1 column wide) and the tagline (2 columns wide), forcing the title (2 columns wide) onto the next row. As there is only 1 column left on this row and the social links are 2 columns wide, they are forced onto the next row.


Image of yourself, this will appear in the heading of the main page.


The width of the avatar, default is 8rem.


If True, then the avatar will be cropped into a circle.


A markdown string to be displayed in the header, smaller than the title. For professional profiles, this might be your job title or demographic information (e.g. pronouns, name pronunciation).


List of social links to include, should be in the format:

- label: <text to display if the icon doesn't load>
  link: <url to link to when clicked>
  icon: <name of the icon to use, from fontawesome>

All of the free fontawesome icons are supported, you can also use ["brands", <icon name>] to use a brand logo instead (such as GitHub, Facebook, BlueSky, etc.)

Content box

The below parameters are for configuring the content box, which contains the content of your site (and the header) and sits in front of the background.


The box containing your site content will always be color you define for base_color, this parameter controls how opaque it is over the background.


The distance between the horizontal edges of your content and the edges of the content box.

border_left / border_right

The border on either side of the content box (defined using the same syntax as in border-left/border-right in CSS).


The below parameters are for configuring the background of your site, which sits behind the content box.


Background for the whole page, . Syntax is the same as the CSS background property. By default, the background color of your site will be the color you define for base_color and there is no background image.


Color override for background. Whatever value is in here will be used for the CSS background-color property (which overrides any color set in background).


Image override for background. Whatever value is in here will be used for the CSS background-image property (which overrides any color set in background). Unlike background, you do not need to include the url(...) wrapper - just a file path will suffice.

Background gradient

The background gradient is a gradient overlay which sits on top of your background but still behind the content box.


The angle of the background gradient, by default this will be 45Β° (i.e. from bottom left to top right).


The colors comprising the background gradient, as a list. These will be evenly spaced out, but you can use the same color multiple times to have it occupy more space. You can use any CSS color syntax, including transparent and color-mix(<color 1> <amount>%, <color 2>). The default colors are:


The below parameters are for configuring the content of the footer, which appears at the bottom of all pages on your site.

Markdown content to include in the page footer


Optionally add a link to this page's source code, for example on GitHub. Can be specified as either:

  link: <link to your page source>


  link: <link to your page source>
  icon: [<fontawesome icon group>, <fontawesome icon tag>]

If specified without icon, the icon will default to the GitHub logo (equivalent to icon: [brands, github])


Scheme colors

The defining colors of your theme, ordered by importance. They're used for things like link colors, borders and hover effects. The attributes for scheme colors are:

By default, these are:

primary_color secondary_color tertiary_color
#05b2dc #ef9B0f #ef3e36


Various shades of white (or black in dark mode) to use for backgrounds and faint outlines. These should start with base_color and get progressively lighter/darker from there. The attributes for shades are:

By default, these are:

base_color mantle_color crust_color overlay_color
Light #ffffff #e5e4e5 #c4c2c5 #9B9B9E
Dark #343233 #373536 #3E3C3D #646461

Text colors

Colors to use for text in your site, one for the majority of text, another for text which is over a highlighted background. The two attributes for main text colors are:

By default, these are:

text_color hltext_color
Light #343233 #ffffff
Dark #ffffff #343233

Background-specific text colors

Each of the colors above has a matching parameter which is its name with _color replaced by _text_color (e.g. primary_text_color rather than primary_color), which defines the color for text when against that background color. These default to being either text_color or hltext_color, with the following defaults:

Darkmode colors

To define the colors which are used in darkmode, use the same parameter names but with _dark on the end (e.g. primary_color_dark rather than primary_color)


The following attributes define the font faces used in your site. Each of these can be the name of any font from Google Fonts


Font to use for headings, default is Poppins


Font to use for most text, default is Hind


Monospace font to use for code, default is JetBrains Mono


Font to use for emojis, default is Noto Color Emoji, which is packaged with Landing (i.e. no Google Fonts loading needed) and looks like this:


Local fonts

To use fonts from a local file rather than Google Fonts (which you may want to do for loading speed or GDPR in the EU), you can point to the file using the relevant parameter name with _files on the end (e.g. body_font_files for body_font). This parameter should be a set of subparameters for each font style you want to specify a file for (regular, bold, italic and bold_italic), using the path to the font file you want to use, relative to your site root. For example:

body_font: Noto Sans
  regular: assets/fonts/NotoSans_Regular.tff
  bold: assets/fonts/NotoSans_Bold.tff
  italic: assets/fonts/NotoSans_Italictff
  bold_italic: assets/fonts/NotoSans_BoldItalic.tff

A note about emojis...

emoji_font_files only uses regular as emojis only come in one weight and style.



Image in the browser tab, should be a path to an image file, ideally a 16x16px .png file.


How many levels to include in a page-level table of contents? Use 0 to hide the table of contents altogether, use 1 to only show top level headings, use 2 to show top level headings and (when hovered) show the headings under each.